The French Beret

This particular winter request puzzled me, the french beret.  I love the knotsewcute patterns immensely sold on etsy, however the pattern requested 2ply yarn and who would’ve known that this yarn is so hard to get your hands on! Nether mind once you’ve found the right thickness I could only find the colour snow white and white never looks flattering on anyone…

However, the troubles didn’t end there, on completing the hat of the largest size it still didn’t fit me nor hold its shape properly. Fortunately, I wouldn’t give up just there and equipped with 4ply yarn I gave it another go.

This is what I was able to produce…

beret 2

beret 3



It fits perfectly and does now hold its shape lovely. However, I would argue that again this was by producing the largest size and I don’t believe myself to have an above average sized head.  So my questions to anyone reading this is where do you buy 2ply yarn from? Unfortunately,  I could only find cheap brands rather than the Patons lace it recommended and I believe this to be my downfall as the pattern itself worked flawlessly with the larger yarn.

However, this pattern does produces a gorgeous hat using the flawless double crochet front post technique , and I can’t recommend the pattern more highly. But with your help hopefully I could find a yarn that truely shows the hat off.

Looking forward to hearing from you all! Any advise would be much appreciated!

Speak soon



The Vintage Crocheted Purse

WOW its been way too long since I’ve made a post! Sorry guys!

Its also been along while since I’ve browsed Youtube on a slow evening searching for inspiration. But after returning to Glasgow after a two week action packed holiday in Florida I found myself depressingly wide awake at two in the morning…. we’ve all been there! However, this ended up being a great use of my time as I stumbled across this cute purse design. Needing to know only  SC, DC, Tr  and puff stitch you can make this gorgeous pattern within an hour or so.

The pattern can be found by following this link



A technique I’ve never explored before making this purse is making a button hole. Way easier than it first seems! You simply carry on your pattern until you get to the ideal location for the button and then start making a chain, this of which needs to be large enough for your individual chosen button, before carrying on the original pattern… who would’ve known… Easy!

This versatile pattern can be created with any yarn of your choice or thickness of hook, I personally choose a 4 hook and DK yarn which created a purse of 3.5 inches by 4.5 inches.

This is a very ideal beautifully vintage coin purse, so follow the link above if you are interested in having ago yourself, or check out BETTEDESIGNS Etsy page if you would like to purchase an individual, custom made purse for yourself.

Bye for now




The cost of wool has made me slightly dubious about dedicating to creating a whole new blanket. So I’ve started to create small samples, in which not only test the pattern but wool thickness and colour rotations. So this post here will be forever growing in the next coming year with everything I’ve found and tested.

  1. So this one here is advertised as the Crochet Ripple Afghan aka Wave or Ripple

This is what I was able to produce…

photo (17)


The pattern is definitely easy and very fun to make. As long as your remember to  always work in threes you can switch the brain off and watch the pattern grow in no time at all! Preferably I think this pattern would suit a thick chunky wool and a border would help the blanket keep its shape considerably. You can alternate colours very easily at the end of each row and this design could be made to any size of your choice, as the shape should not be lost.

This pattern was found on:

2. This blanket is called The Lovely Shells Baby Blanket and this is what i was able to produce…

photo (20)


This pattern looks really intricate but it is actually very easy, one row produces the branches and the second produces the shells. Again working in nice clear rows means a colour change can be made very easily. I used a very coarse cascade aran wool here however, and although it shows the pattern of perfectly, I think this design on a more practical use would more suit a more delicate fluffy wool.  Furthermore, although advertised as a baby blanket, this pattern holds its shape beautifully and would work as a large throw for a reading chair. I will definitely be making one for myself!

This pattern was found on:

Be back shortly!



The Star Beach/Market Bag

Again when flicking through my very reliable source Youtube I came across this gorgeous star market bag…Its original source is a free pattern from Red heart and while the pattern is very easy to read nothing beats being able to follow and watch someone making it in front of you.


So the free pattern can be found by following this link:

But if you search for The Crochet Crowd you will find their very helpful film! So this is what I was able to make…

photo (13)


Unfortunately, I only had wool at hand so as good as it looks, wool does have a little too much give and I’m pretty sure it won’t  stand the test of time against general wear and tear. But now  I am equipped with some double knit cotton and I hope to alternate and see if a colour change between rows of  stars works effectively. So I will upload another picture in the coming week or so to show the new improved bag!

But otherwise, this bag is a really good size and the star structure makes brilliant thick substantial branches. In other words, this bag will hold a generous amount of weight. If there is any concern to have, it should be aimed at the handles, however this can be very simply adapted by just adding extra rows of  double crochets and making a thicker band, before fastening off and weaving in the ends.

I am so happy with this find and I cannot wait to make more and to explore all the variations I can come up with.

Hope you like what you see! Please like, share and check out my Facebook page!



photo 1

The NEW improved bag! 100%  DK cotton was used and the handles were made twice as thick, this bag is not going to break anytime soon!!



Decorative Tea light Lace

I originally found this pattern while placing random searches into Pinterest. It linked me to another blog:

The pattern is written very clear and precise and the end result is beautiful!

One thing I have challenged was the petal shape, it is undeniably pretty and delicate, but they do need molding into shape to produce the flower effect. The result is shown in the featured image above.

The image below however, shows my adaptation to the petal. Each petal here is ten DC’s  with a slips stitch before and after each one…

photo 1 (11)


photo 3 (6)


In other words, each petal is thicker and made more defined by using the slip stitch technique.

I am still up for a debate on which one I prefer though, so all opinions are appreciated!

If you like what you see check out the link above! I don’t wish to take any credit away from the original designer, however if you would like to purchase this product or anything else listed on this page check out:

Bye for now!


Decorative Tea light Jar Lace

Hi all,
As some of you may know from my previous post Bettedesigns now has its very own Facebook page, so if you would like to see further updates, news and up and coming projects then please follow this link:
(please let me know if there is any difficulties with the link, b x)… As you will be able to see the page is very freshly opened, but I do hope to add new completed projects each week, a monthly project list every month and it is a board to which you can send requests and ideas, so please please please like the page!

Ok so with all the begging aside, lets begin!

This particular pattern was sent to me from a copy of Woman’s weekly and I believe is still sold through their online page. If I can ever find the link I will place it here…….

Each design is listed by size, small, medium and large and with each size brings increased difficulty… or at least supposedly it does!
Don’t be put off! Once you get your head around the thin yarn and small crochet hook, these are extremely easy to make and include only Ch, DC, Tr and Slst.

So this is what I was able to make…


photo 4 (4)



photo 2 (14)



photo 3 (5)


Each one took about thirty minutes to make and I would consider myself a very slow crocheter.

These look extremely delicate, but in fact they hold their shape very well and have a little bit of give for when stretching round your jar. I absolutely love how they glow when the candles are lit and the pattern is emphasised well. A beautiful, unique design that will make a statement to anyone’s home!



The Mini Tea Cosy

So my previous cable tea cozy went down pretty well. So well in fact another was requested from me, however this time it wasn’t for an average four cup teapot, but a teapot with a width of 17cm  and a height of 9cm. This therefore being my first attempt at adapting a pattern, I actually went and bought a very cheap teapot of these measurements to help the process.

So this is what I bought…£5.00 from Tescos… Bargain 🙂 !

photo 5


photo 4 (3)


The adaptations I made was to shorten the initial chain to 56, meaning each panel includes 28 stitches, broken down into six for the cable and eleven for each side of the cable ( for the stitches that rotate between SC and DC).

A second change was the elastic band at the bottom of the cozy was shortened to a width of five stitches instead of ten.

But lastly an extra weave sequence of the cable was added. This was based only on a personal preference, as with such a small pot I loved the slightly over sized jumper look quality it provided.

Finished off with some lacy ribbon….And wollah!

photo 2 (12)

If you want further information on the cable tea cozy check out my previous post. Otherwise, the pattern is sold very reasonably on Etsy by Knotsewcute.



Bettedesigns now has its very own Facebook page:

So please check it out and like the page!

Crochet Phone Case

There seems to be an endless supply of crochet phone case patterns for every size of iPhone ever made. However, if you’re looking to make one for an android phone and unless  you’re well practiced and prepared to adapt patterns, you are kind of left hanging in the dark…

So being a newbie to making phone cases, I was so thankful when I found this pattern on Crochet Hooks You.

It is extremely easy and only involves, CH, SC and DC and this is what I was able to produce:

photo 2 (11)

This pattern is very forgiving and durable and can either be stretched around a variety of sized phones, or you can very easily add any number of stitches to the width or the height. Although working in rounds, you do have a slight seam produced from the slip stitch described at the end of each round, however placing this seam along the edge of your phone does make this very unnoticeable. Not only is this design highly adaptable when it comes to changing the size, these cases are a perfect base to go crazily creative on. One simple Google search and you can find inspiration with  designs such as bows, flowers, buttons, handles and clasps , these of which could very easily be added on.

photo 1 (10)


So if you like what you see check out the link above for the full pattern description and feel free to ask any questions!



The Patchwork Cushion By Susi Jay

So I’ve been given permission by the lovely Susijay, my mum, to post about this beautiful, one of a kind patchwork cushion I recently received from her. Its completely hand made, not a single sewing machine in sight and I can’t be more impressed!!!

photo 2 (10)

This stunning cushion involves the tricky hexagon shape and must have taken pure patience and determination. Qualities I wish to death I had inherited.

photo 1 (9)

So watch this space as she’s  hoping to branch out into quilts, phone cases and tea cozies. I don’t know about you guys but I can’t wait to fill my house with these beautiful things.

Knitting and crocheting is making one huge come back so how about showing some support for patchwork too! Who needs generic high street bought goods anymore…




The Crochet Hook Case

I don’t know whether its just me, but crochet hook cases seem hard to come by. So with a growing collection of hooks it seemed like the next logical idea would be to make myself one!

I can’t take any credit for the pattern, I simply scoured Pinterest until something interesting jumped out at me. Always up for a challenge I was happy when I found the star hook case.

This was what I was able to produce…

photo 1 (8)


photo (10)The star pattern was not only pretty and fun to make, the design even means that you do not need to create hook pockets you simply weave the hooks through the holes of the stars and use the ridges to weave any yarn needles. In other words, you are just producing a a simple rectangle, that you roll and tie to close. EASY!

photo 4 (2)


photo 3 (3)Although, the design did take on a very unusual trapezoidal shape initially as warned in the design pattern. It didn’t put me off the design and with time I can see  the stitches and therefore the shape relaxing. One thing I would do differently for next time however is to make the case twice the recommended size, the picture above only shows a third of my crochet hook collection!

Like what you see, check out the link!